Application Requirements


  1. Company & Project


  • Should not be established for more than ten years (registration date no earlier than 1/1/2009).
  • In early-stage development (before series B).
  • Have a strong sense of civic responsibility and passion for tackling climate change, improving the ecosystem, and developing green projects.
  • The company is in regulatory compliance and has obtained a good social reputation. The company must have clean records and has not involved in any property or copyright dispute.
  • Participating projecs should raise solutions to environmental problems including, but not limited to pollution management, energy efficiency, and environmental resource management.


2. Candidates:

  • You are core members of the company (e.g., founder/co-founder/CEO). Company founders will be considered first.
  • If you succeed to become a finalist, be prepared to showcase your project at the YGT forum and all other YGT events (candidates who are not company founders can also participate in these events with a company founder).
  • Strong English skills are important for you to showcase your projects and communicate with the judges.
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